Speed rules for 2016

Speed Events
Paul Smith event director.


This year there are three speed events with three awards per event. A contestant may enter
each event only once. Since there is no BOM, an airplane owner may enter additional models
through other contestants.


Models, engines, lines, pull test and fuel will be per NASS Perky rules, Brodak Clown Race rules, and Saint Louis Fox 35 Stunt Speed rules.


A Fox 35 Stunt Speed model is basically anything that can take off from the ground with a Fox 35 Stunt engine. No pressure fuel systems.


A contestant may submit up to three one mile scores per event using any number of models.


Time-permitting, a contestant may make more than three flights per event. The fastest three
scores per event will be used.


An airframe and/or engine may be used by one contestant only.


Any flight that completes a mile from a standing start will result in an official score.


Scores will be posted in MPH to the tenth, computed by dividing the seconds into 3600. The
event will be held on the paved circle on Wednesday morning. In addition, there may be an
opportunity to get some official flights in on Monday and Tuesday. The event will close out at
6 PM Wednesday.


This is a fun speed event, designed to give the flyers a fair chance to work with their models and
improve performance. There are no specific times limits or numbers of attempts.


Lines and Laps
• Perky: .014” x 52’-6’’ - 16 laps.
• Clown: .015’ x 51’6” (see Clown Race rules) - 16 laps.
• Fox 35: .016” x 60’-0” - 14 laps.


• Clown ” (see Clown Race rules)
• Fox and Perky – 10% with an assortment of oils; 29%, 23%, 20%, and 17%


Average Speed Award
In addition to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each event, there will be one single closest to average
award computed from the average of three scores per entry in all three events combined.